It was very encouraging to see a small but committed crew turn up early on a Sunday morning to help with some general trail maintenance and a rubbish clean up through the forestry. Two groups managed to tidy up three trails over the morning with one of our Link Trails, The Gully Track and Rubarco getting a rake and tidy up.
While these groups were hard at work our intrepid rubbish crew drove and walked up the main fire road, picking up rubbish as they went. It is amazing how much rubbish you find when you are looking for it (as the pictures show).
The final group went to the top of Superhighway and constructed a new feature out of materials available near the trail. Having water on tap (pardon the pun),
certainly assisted in bedding down this feature as the forestry is very dry at the moment.
HUGE thanks to the people who gave up their time to assist throughput the morning. It was particularly encouraging to see how many children were keen to assist. Happy MTB days.
